The Seven Deadly Sins is a Netflix’s original anime series with war and magic, set in medieval times, with goddesses, and action packed adventure. The show itself is based on the book The Once and Future King and has had five seasons and two movies. The show takes place in Britannia which is a major land mass divided into different kingdoms such as Liones, Edinburgh, and Castellio. If you enjoy anime adventures you will want to tune into this show.
The Seven Deadly Sins are personified as the main characters of the show. Two of the main characters are Hawk and Princess Elizabeth. The sins are Captain Meliodas (sin of wrath), Diane the Giant (sin of envy), Ban the Immortal (sin of greed), King/ Fairy King Harlequin (sin of sloth), Gother the doll (sin of lust), Merlin (sin of gluttony), and Lord Escanor (sin of pride). Their sins are connected to their past and in the show they slowly reveal how they got their sins. There are several secondary characters like the Four Knights of the Apocalypse (Gawain, Lancelot, Percival, and Tristan Liones) the Holy Knights, Weird Fangs, Roars of Dawn, the Guinent Race, Fairy Race, Goddess Race, Demon Clan, and the Vampire Race.
I have two favorite characters in the show, Gother and Elizbeth. I think Gother is such a cute character. He is a crossdressing doll. He has a catchphrase “sparkle” with a hand movement. Sometimes he’ll wear female clothes and it's just so sweet and loveable. Elizabeth is the third princess of Liones. She's a 16-years -old with one blue eye and one goddess eye that she keeps covered. She's the biggest sweetheart on the show and would do anything for her country and people. She risks her life so many times in the show and because she wanted to end the rain of the Holy Knights to save her people which is how the show started. She shows time and time again that she's weak but fearless.
This show is very funny because it has fun and cute animation, mixed in with humor. I love how the mood of the show shifts from humorous to a more serious tone. There is also a great deal of character development throughout the show. The best character developments in the show are Gother and King. Gother is a doll with little emotions but wants to learn about them. It's hard for him to understand others' emotions, let alone his own. The King is a small, weak kid, who can’t fight but by the end he eventually hits puberty and he goes through changes important to the show. My favorite thing about the whole series is the relationship between Meloutis and Elizabeth. As soon as they meet viewers can tell right away Melouitos has feelings for Elizabeth. However, Dianin interferes in her relationship when she becomes jealous.
Because this is my favorite show, there is not much I don't like about this show. One of the few things I don't like about the show is how they point out what will happen next. They don't do this often but when they do I feel like they don't leave a lot to the imagination.
This show is a great show to watch for anyone who is a fan of anime or wants to begin watching anime. It has amazing characters, an interesting storyline, and lots of humor, all of which really makes the story come together every season.