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Anthony Lucente

Christmas Break Recap

Christmas break is a moment that all students look forward to during the year. It is a time when students have a long break and get to spend quality time with family and friends. Many students spent a lot of their time over break going to sports practices and games. Some people played video games with their friends, while others also put to use with their new clothes and objects like squishmallows and shoes. Students also cleaned their rooms, helped with chores around their houses, not to mention spending time watching shows on TV. Some students had fun baking for the holidays, including myself.

Sidney Price excitingly started a new job and now works at The Inn at Poland Way serving the residents their meals. Casey Gordon also worked over break at The House of Benny’s.

Several seventh grade students had an exciting break, especially some of them who traveled out of the town. Lily Sargent went to West Virginia and had the chance to pet wild deer. Donnie Sudon visited family in Texas and also went past some sports stadiums. Hazel Huff went to a cabin located in Logan, Ohio where she went zip lining, hiking, and did an obstacle course while visiting with 28 of her family members.

Lowellville staff and students had a long break this year lasting 16 days. It still went fast and we were back to school before we knew it. It is hard to believe that it is now February and we are looking forward to our long four day weekend. Enjoy it!

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