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Brooke Ginnis and Casey Gordon

Foods to Avoid on the First Date

Imagine that you're on your first date, things are going great, and you both are hitting it off. Suddenly, your food arrives, and you can’t wait to dig into your enchiladas and refried beans. As you’re on your date you get the “feeling” in your stomach. No, not the feeling of butterflies, but that feeling of your stomach rumbling. The pain in your stomach that you can’t get rid of, the twisting and turning as a hurricane is forming in your gut. The feeling of dread, and flatulence, that comes with eating certain foods is unavoidable. unless you know what to avoid. First dates are one of the most nerve-racking, heart-pounding experiences that can end in love or tragedy. To help you avoid a tragic and embarrassing end to your dating life, here are some foods you should save for the 5th or 6th date.

Starting this list off strong the first food you should avoid on the first date is…

10. Garlic- Avoid anything with a strong garlic flavor or aroma. If you decide to go against our better judgment you can kiss your date goodbye… actually no, you can’t because your breath smells.

9. Sugar-free anything- Everyone loves a sweet treat and if you're craving something sugary before your date stay away from anything “sugar-free”, especially sugar-free gummy bears. While these can do a great job of satisfying your sweet tooth, they will not satisfy your digestive tract.

8. Chicken Wings- Chicken wings will make your first date messy (Figuratively and literally). If you want your date to end in a messy tragedy go for the wings! If not, take our advice and opt out of the wings.

7. Chilli Cheese Fries/Dogs- Well first off it's a red flag if your date wants to take you for chili cheese dogs or fries, especially for a first date. It is not a gentlemanly thing to do, but if that doesn't give you the red flag notification maybe your stomach turning will.

6. Ribs- Ribs are worse than chicken wings with the amount of sauce on them. Your face will look like a mess and a half after just one rib. Even though they may sound good and taste delicious, leave the rack in the back and look for another entree.

5. Brussels sprouts- If you want your love to sprout you have to stay away from Brussels. These will have your stomach playing a wind orchestra the whole date and will not be met with a standing ovation. Not only that but Brussels sprouts are gross and you might look crazy ordering them.

4. Fish- If you want your date to swim away go ahead and go for the fish but if you want the perfect catch we would stay far away from the fishies. Fish is a bold smelling food, this type of food could make or break your date. In the end, save it for the 5th or 6th date.

3. Corn on the cob- Unless you got endless toothpicks in your purse, pocket, man satchel, or any bags you would bring on a date, we would not go for corn on the cob. Corn gets stuck in your teeth more than popcorn kernels at the movie theater. If you feel comfortable digging in your mouth to get that corn kernel out on a first date go ahead and order it.

2. Beans or refried beans- Beans, beans the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot…

1. No Salads- There is a common stigma that girls should order salads on the first date. Yes, let's not do this anymore, get whatever looks and smells good. Well, as long as it’s nothing on this list.

In the end, these are all suggestions. You do not have to follow this advice, but we strongly advise you to follow this list as we are your best chance at success. Now when you’re on a date and you go to order enchiladas with a side of refried beans, you can remember the rules and avoid all of the embarrassment. Instead of the enchiladas, why not get a burger or chicken? It's up to you to carry the rest of the date through conversation to have a totally successful dating experience.


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