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Evan Alfano
1 min read
Invisible Ice
According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, around 1,500 people die every year due to car accidents. Many of these accidents are...
Aryana Romano and Kenzie McCormick
1 min read
Lowellville’s Annual Spelling Bee Returns
This year Lowellville's Spelling Bee has started back up after a two-year-long hiatus. A total of 30 students from the elementary and...
Anthony Lucente
1 min read
Woman Fighting a Rapid Aging Disorder
Progeria is a rare condition that causes children to rapidly grow. It is called this because Progeria comes from the Greek word...
Sidney Price
2 min read
The Horror of Winter Parking
Do you enjoy taking a quick ice skating trip before making it to school? I know I don’t and I am sure that my fellow peers and teachers...
Alex Modelski
2 min read
Benefits Dogs have on the Human Brain
Millions of people around the world have a special bond and relationship with their pets, especially with dogs. Dogs are a commonly owned...
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