Netflix’s latest series, The Outer Banks, is an action-adventure, mystery, and teen-drama series made by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke. It premiered on Netflix on April 15, 2020 and its newest season just came out February 23, 2023. This series follows a group of consistent teens called the Pogues and their rival group, the Kooks. The setting is in the beach vacation destination of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. When Hurricane Irene kills all power for the summer season, it sets off a chain of events for the group of friends. Throughout this series you get to watch the group of friends overcome this chain of events and different obstacles thrown at them along the way.
For starters, there are two groups of people in the Outer Banks, there are the Pogues as the more under-class and outcasts, and then the Kooks who are the higher-class and more classy type of people. Throughout the show viewers watch these two different communities go through different obstacles. The Pogues and the Kooks do not like each other whatsoever, except for a small group of Pogues, John B, Pope, JJ, and then the two “retired” Kooks Kiara and Sarah. This group has plenty of small rules for each other to follow so that they can keep their friendship forever. Throughout the show, you will hear them say P4L, and you will even see it engraved on the tree in John B’s backyard, this little saying means Pogue for life. It means that no matter what happens in life, they will always be Pogues and they will forever be each other's best friends.
Following the roles of Madelyn Cline as Sarah Cameron, Chase Stokes as John B, Rudy Pankow as JJ, Madison Bailey as Kiara, Drew Starkey as Rafe Cameron, Charles Esten as Ward Cameron, and Jonathon Daviss as Pope. All of these actors did an incredible job playing their characters throughout the series. They really knew how to stay in character and make the scenes seem realistic and believable. Most of the actors actually match their characters in the show which makes it even more plausible.
Season 3 is pretty predictable because of how it ended in Season 2. Viewers are introduced to new characters. There are also a few characters who are re-introduced in this season. They did an amazing job making the scenes even more realistic in this season. Throughout the show, there are a lot of shocking scenes. Most of the episodes leave off on a cliffhanger but they then pick up on the next episode. It is a show you would have to watch to understand the hype.
This is a great show to go get some popcorn and just binge watch it by yourself or even with the family. I absolutely loved this show and would definitely watch it again if I needed a series to watch. This season is a rollercoaster of emotions and events. Every actor and actress put their all into this season and it shows. I really recommend watching this if you like action or drama movies. I feel the age limit for this show would be 12-20 years of age, since it's more of a teenage movie though any age should be okay. Overall, Outer Banks was very well written and executed.